Monday, April 21, 2008

Comments For ARW Page 451

What could they be looking at? You'll likely be as surprised by the answer as they are. No, Kang hasn't invited the creature to tea. I said it was surprising not bazaar.

Once again I'm late getting this up. Besides all the extra work that's been going into the comic lately, I've been having a lot of computer problems that are getting annoying. I think it stems from the fact that my hard drive is getting full. I'm going to have to clear out some old files so that I can free up some space. Hopefully that will fix the glitches I've been having lately.

I've found a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories on audio tape that I've been listening to as I've worked on this page. I've listened to three stories so far and they closely follow the old Sherlock Holmes mysteries TV show. Or I should say the TV show must have followed the books very closely. Interestingly each story is about 44 minutes long, the same length as a hour long TV show (not including commercials). I should try to follow one of the stories in the printed version to see how closely the tapes follow the original words. Perhaps I'm actually listening to an audio version of the TV show.

EDIT: I've listened to another recording and can now verily that the audio recordings don't follow the short stories at all. Much of the dialogue is the same but some additions are added and text has been rearranged. A set up scene was added to the beginning of all the stories in order to make them seem more dramatic. I don't have any of the TV shows to verify if the recordings are the same as what was on TV, but the fact the the stories seem very familiar to me and that the recordings are all about 44 minutes in length seems to suggest that is the case. At the very least, the audio recordings have more in common with the TV show then with the original text.

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