Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Comments For ARW Page 464

Whoa, Wanda must have grown at least as tall as Birhena used to be. Look at the last page and notice how big she'd have to be to open the door like that.

Do you remember Birhena? The last time she appeared, she had been turned to stone. There are a lot of loose ends like this I'm going to have to wrap up before the end.

In order to show how big Wanda has grown I had her expand right out of the page. She actually dominates the whole page. I'm not sure how clear this is. I tried to use the R's to link the giant image to the forth panel and show how big she is in the fifth panel, but it might have worked better if I actually showed her growing. She is bigger then the chair in panel four then she was in panel three, but this might be misinterpreted as poor design on my part.

I've finally took the time to work on my characters in my next webcomic, Dungeon Legacy. I have a pretty good idea of who they are and how they interact with each other now. Unlike ARW, each character has been designed to push the story forward with character development and interactions between characters. The characters will fight amongst themselves, make plans, and enjoy each others company. Basically they will act like real people, with real problems and expectations. Their back stories will affect the main story line and help you to get to know them better.

I'll talk more about Dungeon Legacy as it gets closer to release.

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