Saturday, July 14, 2007

Comments For Page 332

Sorry for the long delay between pages. Between my computer acting up and my brother and his family coming to visit, I haven't had much luck doing any work on my story pages. It took a day and a half to do the page you see here. Considering most of the panels have identical backgrounds, that's a ridiculous amount of time to spend.

I hope I won't have this much trouble putting up the next page. I think I've worked out most of the bugs, but who can say for sure. My brother and his family have gone home, so I'm free to work on the next page now. I think I'll take a break today and spend all day tomorrow working on the next page. Hopefully I'll have it done in 4-5 hours, which is the usual amount of time it takes to create a page.

I did spend some time making a poster that explains how voting works in case the lack of votes I've been getting is due to lack of understanding of how the process works.

I don't really like the word vote myself, since it suggests you should support only the best
comics. The truth is you can and should vote for every comic you read. This will in effect push the comics you don't like further down the list. There are several comics floating around the middle of the pack (400-600 range) that really deserve to be closer to the top.

Another option would be to vote for your favorite comics everyday and vote for the other comics you read every other day or every day you read the comic. This would help your favorite comics move up the list faster while still supporting the other comics you read.

I really want my site to be a success, so please support me in anyway you can.

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