Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Comments For Filler 06-13-2007

This is getting pathetic. I was planing to have all these paintings done by today and instead I still have two more to do. It's been really hard to stay focused and get these done. I'm going to be burned out by the time I get the last two finished, but I will get a comic page up on Friday before noon, no matter what it takes.

These are images for a picture book about a minibus taking a tour of Hong Kong. Do a web search of Hong Kong and you should be able to find most of these locations.

My graduation is this Saturday, so I'll soon officially be a Digital Animator. I seem to be doing more drawing and painting then animating, but I hope that will change soon.

Well, I better get back to work. These paintings are not going to finish themselves. I'll see you Friday.

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