Sunday, April 29, 2007

3D Racheal

Here is another random post. yeah for time to actually explore the internet. (where I store my Avatar and other random pictures) has combined with and offered me the chance to check it out. Using what options they had (there are quite a few), I made as close an image of Racheal as I could. The only weapon was a sword, but it looks good on her. You can't change the hair color, so I went with a style that was close. There were no cat ear accessories, which was dissapointing. If there were any they probably wouldn't have looked right anyway. Racheal's ears are special.

Someday soon, I'll have to install 3D studio Max (I won the program in a 3D animation skills compatition) and build my own 3D model of Racheal. Until then, enjoy this image.

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