Friday, February 16, 2007

Comments For Page 277

Horese's story is finally done and a new chapter of the story will begin Monday. I plan on changing the outfits of all the girls (and maybe the guys as well), so if anyone has any suggestions or design ideas let me know. I'll probably have the girls try on a few outfits before I finalize anything, so feel free to say what you like or don't like about any of the clothing. Remember the girls are going on a long trip into many different enviroments, so they need to dress appropriately.

Classes have been kind of sporatic lately, so there hasn't been much to do except work on our big animation project - which is good since the term is nearly half over and we've barely got the story finished. My model just needs some blend shapes for facial expressions and it will be ready for texturing. Next week we'll have to start modeling the backgrounds so we can start filming the actually animation. Using 3D to animate is easier once all the models and sets are designed, but the process of creating everything can really eat away at your time.

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