If she can throw Racheal around like a rag doll then the girls are going to have a hard time beating her down. Of course then haven't "powered up" yet, but they need to nearly die first. Not a good situation.
Feeling better now so I did a full page as you can see. I like all the action shots. There are a little more work, but it really pushes my ability to draw the girls at different angles.
In panel three, Toi is being hit by Racheal as the girl swings her around. Toi pulls the whip at the same time, tripping the girl. In panel 4 the girl is flipping Racheal in the air as she falls, sending her into Slara in the last two panels.
I got a job offer today. I still have to do an interview, so the job's not guaranteed. It's not full time, so I'll still be able to work on my comic. I'm not sure how much work I'll get at first but it's all art based so I can only help me get better.
I'll keep you informed. See you Friday.
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