Thus the girls meet the oddest resistance group in the kingdom. Most of them seem better dressed then most suppressed people. I wonder what their story is. You can find out on Wednesday.
I started this page on Sunday at 7 PM and it is now 8:30 PM on Saturday, thus it has taken over 25 hours to complete this page. Granted there was eating and sleeping in between, and I took a few brakes to do other things, but taking everything into account, this is still the longest I've ever spend creating a page for my web comic.
I put more effort into the backgrounds, created some new characters, and tried to keep the perspective in that last panel, all of which took a lot more effort then I usually do. Was it worth it? Well, every effort can only help my art. Still, I can't help thinking that I need to spend more time drawing from real life and learn more about shadows, highlights, and details.
I do realize that my art is much better then it was even a year ago. I can even see that I'm a much better artist then most web comic artists. Only the high quality web comics (which rarely update more then once a week), look better. I guess the next step is to get as good as the creator of Looking For Group, who creates wonderful fantasy art pages twice a week. That likely means moving to a twice a week schedule myself, but we'll see how it goes. After that, it's getting to the quality of Girl Genus, which does update three times a week. I realize he has a backlog of graphic novels to post, but I wonder how long he can keep that up.
I really must find a way to get more people to read my web comic. The 40+ loyal readers I have now are just not enough to support me. Looking at other web comics, I think I know a few things that could help me get support I need, but they all take time and money, neither of which I have much of.
I need a break. I'll see you later.
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