Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. Looks like Racheal and friends are planing to invade the castle and look for their friends. But what will they find there and how will they escape? Find out in the next exciting chapter of ARW.
It's late, but I got this done before I went to bed. I copied the line work from a few pages ago to do the background in the last panel. I still had to fix it up to fit the new page so it wasn't a quick fix but it was easier then drawing it all over again.
It seems repeating details in a page isn't really a big deal since most people just read the text and skim the images. The only place I really notice reused art is when it's side by side in a page. Especially if someone seems to be frozen in place from panel to panel. I always try to rework an image so it doesn't look the same. For example, I used the same line work for Toi in panel four and five but a changed a few things so that she doesn't look like she's frozen in the same position in both panels.
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