I wonder what Racheal plans to do? She might be able to make herself look less cat like, but there is no way she can make the three of them look human, is there?
After all the work I put into the last ARW page and the Split shift page, I decided to do simple backgrounds for this page. I put more effort into the characters in exchange and I think their individual personalities show better in this page then in the last.
I've criticized other people for not varying their head shapes, so I spend some time to individualize these characters' heads. They look more realistic with different head shapes and skin tones. I also worked on the hair so that it looks better.
Since this page is up on time, I should be back on track in getting the rest of the weeks comics up. Expect the next Split Shift Wednesday night and the next ARW Friday morning. I have other commitments on Thursdays, so it is rare that I can get a page done before Friday at noon.
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