Here they all are for the first time. It took a long time to get to this point. Now we can finally find out what this is all about.
Although regular readers would have heard the name Georgena before, this is the first time she has showed up in the comic other then a shadowy form on page 313.
This is the very first time Peniniya has appeared anywhere. In fact I had to name her for this page. Wanda was also named for the first time when she appeared a few pages back. However, I just used the first name that popped into my head with her.
Peniniya's name took a little longer. I wanted a name that really fit her. I though of Henny Penny but thought better of it. I looked through a book of baby names and found the perfect name. Not only is Penny short for Peniniya but Peniniya is Hebrew for hen.
Since this page is just a bunch of heads, many of which I've drawn before, I figured I could finish off this page very quickly. I failed to factor in the fact that there were twelve people and two of them have never been drawn before. I sort of modeled Georgena after Miss Piggy but Peniniya was a totally new design. Also I had only drawn the new forms of Angel and Ann once before and ended up redesigning them as well.
This page is interesting because you can see a lot of my cartoon influences in the drawings. I took some time drawing and redrawing the portraits using some of the techniques I've learned in school. As I said, I though I could do this page quickly and so put more effort into each drawing because of it. You'll also notice that I put the highlights back into the hair.
You may notice that the page works as a whole. I took some time arranging the direction the characters are facing and where the eyes are looking. Horese and Slara really dominate the page because of this. It helps there their panels are bigger as well.
I added some new information to my Dungeon Legacy development blog. I had hoped to post regular updates on my progress but I really don't have a lot of progress. I wrote a lot of notes about the story and characters but I don't really what to spoil anything by releasing that data. It's nice to have some flexibility to change this as well.
As I've said before, Dungeon Legacy is based on D&D 4ED and I plan to create character sheets and other information that will allow you to use my story in a D&D game session. I'm hoping to get gamers interested in my comic and capture part of that market. I'll also market to people interested in Fantasy novels and short stories.
Someone else had the same idea because there is a webcomic being displayed on a fantasy/ Sci-Fi book website that started just last week. There is only one page so far as the comic only updates one Fridays. I'll have to see if I can get my new web comic on the site as well.
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