Join the celebration. ARW had been online for three years today. Starting into the forth year, we can look ahead to Page 500 which is only 43 pages away. After that ARW will come to a final conclusion and I'll start concentrating on my new web comic, which will be starting in another month (June 6th to be exact - the same day Dungeons and Dragons 4th ED comes out, which is what the new comic will be based on).
For now lets enjoy the celebration, although I don't think Slara is too happy with the situation. It looks like the Rhino King wishes to take her as his wife and queen. She might be honored if she wasn't in a hurry to save her friends.
What will happen to Balap? Hopefully as her friend, he might be allowed some freedom. We'll just have to wait and see.
Sorry the backgrounds are a little plain. I spent a long time just drawing all the people into each scene. Crowd scenes always take a lot of work. If I had unlimited time I might have put in more people and had decorations on the walls. As it is, it took 10 hours just to draw everything I did draw.
My foot is starting to heal. It's still painful to walk very far on it but I can get around the house well enough. The swelling has gone down. I just have to wait for the new layer of skin to be thick enough to protect my nerve endings. I'm sure it will be tender for a few more days at least.
Peace, love and happiness to you all.
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