Are we actually going to finally find out what happened to Racheal and the others? Come back Wednesday and see for yourself.
I got to draw the early version of Racheal again. This time it was a little easier since I had the last picture as reference. Note that panels four and five are recreations of panels two and three on page 29 (Wow, that is pretty early in the story).
Balap looked very different on that page. He had a very beastly look for some reason. He quickly lost that look - it's gone in the last panel of that same page. I can't remember what I was thinking when I designed him. Perhaps I wanted to suggest that he might be a danger to Racheal in the first two panels and then made him look like an innocent child in the last panel to show he was the complete opposite of dangerous. Later on he revealed he was dangerous but in a different way.
I really should be working on Dungeon Legacy today, but "On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness" beckons me. Maybe I'll just play for an hour ... or eight.
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