Looks like Toi is the only one without an excuse to leave. Will she go anyway or will she stick around with Racheal and Slara? You can find out Friday when I put up the cover page for the next chapter.
The next chapter will be dealing with Racheal and Slara's trip into the mountains to find the rare herb needed to cure Slara's Father. What trials and disasters await those who dare climb Mount Vormump? Keep reading and find out.
Sorry I went back to my old style. I got Super Paper Mario and it's eating up a lot of my time. That game can be so challenging and fun at the same time. I've already got five of the eight hearts and I only got the game Saturday.
My next post will be from Animediafest, assuming I can log onto a computer. I'm hoping my account is still active. Technically I'm not done school until June 15, even though there are no more classes. I'm sure someone will let me use their account. If not, there is always the library CAP (Computer Access Program) site.
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