What has Racheal gotten herself into now? It looks like the group will have to split up for a while. Slara will be staying in town with her father while Horese, Terra and Ann go to fine Gena. Toi, Bunny, and Angel will have to decide where they want to go. Balap will go where ever Bunny does and Obitckerk will probably transport people to Gena's location.
I'm going to try a different art style on Monday and see if it makes my comic look better. It will be a bit more work (which I don't really want to do), but it will hopefully improve the quality of my art. I wish people would let me know what they think but I know no one will. Why am I even doing this?
Keep watching this blog for updates. I need to really get the word out if I have any hope of surviving this industry.
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