Oh, that Racheal. More worried about her coat then her life. As anyone following the story so far should realize, it's not that easy to kill a Token girl. In fact, they get stronger the more they get hurt. Slara better be careful since she doesn't have the same invulnerability. Then again, Slara has been fighting along side Angel for a long time and may know a thing or two about her weaknesses.
Of course, the two girls aren't actually trying to kill each other. Slara's just letting off a little steam and Racheal is just playing along until she can figure out that's going on. It will be interesting to see what happens next.
A friend of mine has been moving this past week and I've been helping. I really should be trying to get some work done. I'm falling way behind what I wanted to have accomplished by the first of May. Sorry if anyone has been expecting those big announcements I planned. Hopefully, I can get some work done in the next few days and have an announcement by Monday. Sorry I haven't gotten anything done sooner but it's been one distraction after another around here and I really need to get my priorities straight if I want to survive in this business.
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