Out of the frying pan and into the elemental creature. Racheal just can't get a break. There is only two pages left to this story. Is everything going to end badly? Find out on Friday.
I'm not sure it really works to put a translucent water elemental over a gray background. You can see it clear enough but it doesn't really stand out from the background.
Horese is being absorbed by the creature in panel three. Is that clear or does she look like a slug or something? I tried to do something weird looking but I'm not sure it worked.
I found out why page 497 didn't work. I ran out of memory. Only three pages short of finishing the comic and I run out of memory. What are the odds. Fortunately there were a few pictures I could downsize (I don't know why I uploaded them so big in the first place). There should be enough room to finish the comic now.
I've been doing crafts with 6-12 year olds this week. It's hard to keep the young ones occupied while keeping the older ones in control. It helps that most of them are girls and thus interested in doing crafts. The boys tend to just want to get it done and move on. There is one boy in the group that is creative and a couple of girls that are not, so there are exceptions on both sides.
It's awful. Ican't believe you're 45,since both the webcomic and your website look like something a child put together. What's more bizarre is that there's almost 500 of these 'comics'. It's horrible, no one reads it, no one visits your website or your forum and yet it keeps going...
Why do you care? If I want to create a wonderful comic that I enjoy creating what does it matter if no one else likes it?
I'd like to see you do better. I notice you don't leave a URL so I can only assume you are a troll and not worth listening to.
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