Racheal seems to be the only one who is enjoying herself. Why does she get the easy job? What is she doing any way? She is actually trying to tear through a wall of paper to get to the other side. Only a cat would do something like that.
More gaming goodness. Georgena is searching though the mud for a key, Bunny is doing some platform hopping, and Wanda is pulling a chain to activate a switch or open a door. What a weird collection of ideas.
After doing all those multi-character panels, these one character per panel pages are easy to draw. Even though this is the first time I've drawn these characters in full animal form, the drawing went fairly quickly. It took a while to get Wanda's perspective right as I'm not used to drawing a 3/4 overhead view of an animal. I had to break the design into basic shapes and try to figure out the perspective that way. I still don't think I got it quite right, but it's better then it was.
Someone mentioned my comic on Something Awful in passing on Saturday and I got over 800 hits in one day. So far I've been getting over 100 hits a day. Someone else said they loved how weird my comic was (yeah, a positive comment at last) and I got another 400 hits yesterday. Great, my comic is becoming popular just when it's about to end. Hopefully people will want to see my new comic and I'll be able to build an audience there.
Dungeon Legacy is a much better concept then ARW but not as weird; although, I'm thinking of adding some weirdness, can't have it getting too dull or predictable. I'll be starting on Dungeon Legacy full time starting September 1, 2008. I was hoping to get more pages up before ARW ended but I was really struggling to get organized. I should have some time over the next couple of weeks to finalize the story before September. I'm going to start by improving my art style.
I've started a new blog at How Draw Eyes, which is designed to practice the little details like eyes that can really improve the overall look of your characters. The name comes from the fact that many people don't bother typing "to" when searching for an article on how to draw eyes. Unlike many articles of this type, I'll be looking at all aspects of design not just the ones I personally favor. If you're interested in learning to draw or improving your own art style, give How Draw Eyes a look. There isn't much there yet but I'll be updating the site over the next few days and in the weeks ahead.
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