What does Racheal see? I have a feeling that getting to the fountain will be easier said then done. Friday's page is going to be very difficult to draw.
I though that the middle panel would be harder to draw then is was. I messed around with different angles but I felt that this angle probably worked best. It gives a sense of space without giving away what the place actually looks like. If you look closely you'll notice a plaque over the doorway. That's your first hint of what's coming next.
I put a kiss on Racheal's face for the first scene and then promptly forgot about it when I drew the other panels. I had to copy and paste the kiss on at the last minute. It's a good thing I always double check everything before I finish up.
Below is an mp3 of the song Kriss Straub of Starslip Crisis did for me on one of his podcasts (the Kriss Straub show episode 5). He was drunk at the time and started writing songs about everyone in the chatroom. He did about four or five people before giving up. I was one of the lucky ones.
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