Water pipes with electrical wiring? That's an accident waiting to happen. Nice of them to include a light switch though.
Got to love the anachronisms associated with Alternate Reality stories. For the most part the comic has been a pseudo-fantasy story. In fact, there are currently exploring a castle. Now all of a sudden they are in a room with water pipes and electric lights. What next, hover cars?
Originally I planed to do panel two completely dark with just Racheal's eyes showing, but I though the image would be more effective if she was back lit by the doorway.
It's a subtle thing, but did you notice that the room in the last panel is designed for someone at least a foot taller then Racheal, who is over 6 feet tall. Notice how the valves and fuse boxes are set over her head. The huge valve would require a large person to turn it as well. I wonder who lives here?
I really need to make some money somehow. I have ideas but I don't take the time to implement them. I wish I had a front man who can do PR for my comic. Maybe I can get paid to be the front man for someone else's comic. Who knows.
If anyone wants to buy high quality prints of any of my comic pages just let me know.
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