I started working on this page earlier then I normally do since it has been taking me longer then normal to do the pages with the busy backgrounds. I also knew I wanted to do the large panel at the top. I'm glad that I was able to get the page done in time.
It actually wasn't as hard as I though it would be. It's nice to be able to capture the vision in your head and translate it to the page. The background is simple but effective. I believe I got the perspective right as well. Perhaps it's a little off, but it's not noticeable unless you really look for it, which most comic readers don't do.
Speaking of perspective. How do you like the little visual trick in the second panel? Since Balap is shorter then Slara, I turned the camera on an angle so that they would be at the same height. I think it works. Do you?
Between working on my webcomic and working on a logo for a client, I really haven't had much time lately to work on anything else. Since I have tomorrow free, I will spend most of the day working on my new web comic. I really must force myself to put more effort into my comics if I want to be a success. June 6 is only a little over a month away and I want to release my new comic at the same time Dungeons and Dragons Forth Edition is released. With any luck I'll be able to get my comic into Dragon Magazine. I know it's only a slim chance, but I can dream can't I?
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