Slara seems to have bad luck whenever she tries to land on her feet. Remember back on page 336 when she had a perfect 3 point landing and then slipped on a rock. This is much worse.
As you can see this page has more detail then I usually draw, so the page is late because of it. Thursday's are pretty busy for me anyway, so I didn't have the time to devote to this page was I would have liked.
There was a major error on the last page (page 446) that no one seems to have noticed. I hadn't colored Balap's hair in any of the panels he appears in. It was only after I nearly made that mistake again on this page, that I realized I hadn't colored his hair on the last page either.
I'll fix the error in a minute, but my question is this, "Is anyone reading my comic?" Most webcomic artists have readers who take great delight in pointing out any minor errors in a webcomic, but no one points out even major errors on my site. I realize I have a small reader ship, but I have to wonder if I have any real readers at all. Maybe I'm just getting a steady stream of people who are finding my comic while surfing the net and none of them come back again.
Well, I'm hoping that will all change when I release my new webcomic. I'm trying to do the next one right. I'm developing the characters so that they all have interesting personalities that will clash with and support each other. I'm also writing the story ahead of time so that I know what's happening on each page long before I actually draw it. The first story arch will be a 32 page comic book style that will introduce the characters. Once the arch is finished, I'll make it available to purchase online (probably through Ka-Blam). We'll see how it goes after that.
I'm getting excited to start my new comic. The characters are much more interesting this time and the interaction will hopefully make them more appealing to the readers. My current comic is kind of blah, and I really don't know how to fix it. It's better just to end it and start something new.
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