whoops, looks like the natives are unset that Slara has removed her disguise. Maybe Chahex should have maintained it a bit longer.
Now that Slara has her snout back, I'll have to reacquaint myself with how to draw it. Her ears are different in her normal form as well. The head shape is the same for both so the transition from one to the other is mild. Which look do you like better? They are both similar, but I find the human head easier to draw.
I've reused the cage once again. I hope no one minds, since it is a lot of work to redraw it. I flipped it this time so it doesn't look the same.
I also reused the skulls on sticks. I was worried that the rows of identical skulls would look weird, but the symmetry works. It would look worse if they were all slightly different. I'd either have to completely redraw them of leave them the same, and I did the lather since it was less work. It takes me too long to do a page as it is, so the simple solution is the best solution.
Nothing to report on other fronts. It's been quiet . . . too quiet.