Sorry for the late update, but as you can see I've attempted to improve my Photoshop skills once again. I've learned a few tricks from Al Mackey's Photoshop Tutorial this time. He teaches some neat tricks with fur I wanted to use but the update was getting pretty late as it is. Next time, I'll use some of his fur ideas to improve my art further.
This isn't as big of an improvement as last time since many of the techniques are the same, I'm just using them in different ways. The overall quality is nicer.
I also added some noise to the backgrounds so that the colors weren't so flat. The only other option is to draw all the blades of grass, which isn't really an option at all. Maybe if I was doing a poster or wallpaper, but not for a comic page.
Once Again, I'm posting my Split Shift info with my ARW post. I had fully intended to put it in it's own post but somehow I forgot again. I was actually surprised when I noticed that I hadn't posted anything. I though I had at least posted the comic.
Flash is nice in that you can color with the fills and get some good drawings done quickly. The edges don't always smooth properly but you can adjust this. The idea of this comic is to have something I can create quickly to fill the time between updates of my regular comic. ARW's isn't as popular as I would like and I'm also hoping that this comic might become more popular. Once I do a months worth of pages or so, I'll see how well it's doing and decide if I need to dump it in favor of something else or start updating 5-7 days a week and bump ARW down to once a week or so.
I want to keep doing ARW whatever happens, at least until I can finish the main story. My art style has really improved as a result of this comic and I like the story even if others don't like it. Maybe a nude scene would liven things up. Nay, I don't really want to go there. We'll see what happens.
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