Eep! It just keeps getting worse and worst. Is this the end of Racheal? Well no, she is the main character after all, but it is time for her to transform once again. What will she look like this time? Wait and see on Friday.
Toi seems to be doing fine. Don't worry, the tables will be turned on her soon enough when Arlancy reveals his true powers. Totoroi has a few more tricks up his sleeves as well.
I've mentioned before that I set the dpi to 1200 to draw the page but I didn't mention that I have been leaving it at 1200 while coloring the page. A lot of the reason that coloring has been taking longer then normal is due to this fact. Yesterday I smartened up and set the dpi to 300 once all the line work was done. This sped up coloring a lot . I was a bit late getting started yesterday but because of the increased speed I was still able to get the page done on time.
Misty's just a little distracted. She's not normally this forgetful. OK, maybe she is, but she isn't stupid just fogy headed.
Misty kind of an unusual character as she is the combination of three character ideas I had. Each idea was interesting but not really good enough to carry a story. By combining all three, Misty is now a well rounded but very strange individual. You'll learn more about her as the story progresses.
Amy will appear in Thursday's comic. I'll tell you more about her tomorrow. In the mean time enjoy the Meez versions of the two characters found on the main page.
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