A more important question would be "What did Cepani do with the satchel and how are Racheal and the gang going to get it back?" Actually that's too questions. The first question should be answered on Wednesday as well. As for the second, that may take a little longer to figure out.
The middle panel took a lot of time to draw, and it looks okay. But it doesn't look like what I had planned to draw. The temple on the previous page wasn't as good as I would have liked either. Sometimes I wish I had the time and patience to draw what I see in my head. On the other hand, you don't really need a lot of detail in a web comic. The point is to tell a story, and as long as the words and pictures tell the story, it doesn't matter how detailed they are.
As an artist, I want to produce good works of art that people will enjoy reading, but as a reader I'm happy to just get a good story. The art only bothers me if it's really bad and you can't tell what's going on.
It's different if I'm looking at single works that are meant to stand on their own. There is certainly some styles I like more then others. Unlike most people, I don't like art that looks real. I know a lot of artists pride themselves are creating realistic paintings, but I find it's too easy to copy and alter photographs to really appreciate a realistic painting. Fun cartoon drawing are a different matter. It takes a lot of skill to create a fun design. Many amateur cartoonist draw unfunny stiff drawings. I'm often seeing the same style over and over again. Give me someone who's not afraid to try something new and has a good eye for detail. This is what I want for my own artwork. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm at least trying.
I've studied Don Martin and Mat Gross. Next I want to look at the works of Carl Banks. I've looked at many other artists, but these are the artists I want to be the most like. I don't want to copy their styles, I want to have people laugh at my drawings like they laugh at these great artists' work.
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