I don't know how many people noticed, but I put up the inked version last night and only just got the color version up now (noonish). I have a business meeting this afternoon, and figured I wouldn't get the page done until afterward. Fortunately (or maybe not so fortunately), I woke up early this morning despite going to bed pretty late last night. Consequently, I had time to finish the page before the meeting; however, I didn't get much sleep, so I might not be able to concentrate during the meeting.
Just to clarify, this isn't a school meeting but a real money making deal that could greatly affect my financial future. Actually this is only one of many meetings, but it's still important that I pay attention and understand my options.
I should also point out that the only reason I was able to put up an inked version of the page is because I'm doing the inking in Photoshop now. Originally, I was inking and coloring each panel was I went along. Sometimes I would go back and fix some rough drawings when I had time and basically did things in whatever order suited me. Now that I'm using Photoshop, I need to get all the drawing and inking done first before I can do any coloring or shading. This gives me a nice inked drawing I can color (and put up on the site when I need to), but that means I can't do a rush job on the drawings and worry about fixing it up later. They have to be completely finished and take takes a lot of time.
On the plus side, that means my pictures are looking better all the time. I don't need to waste a lot of time with Manga Studio's glitchy drawing tools (again this is a problem with using the program in Vista and not a problem with the program itself) and I can play with some of Photshops extra settings to help make my drawings better. I won't be using any fancy tricks with photoshop, like blur filters, until I can shorten my drawing time a bit more. I can't spend a whole day working on my comic pages and I don't have much time to play with the program. It's only going to get worse when I start my job, so I need to speed things up rather then take the time to add an extra layer of detail. If this comic was supporting me, it would be different but as it is I need to make money however I can and that means I can't spend much time with each comic update.
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