I wonder if anyone else noticed this is a Matriarchal society. There were enough clues with all the women in high positions and the men playing jokes on strangers.
Another late night again. I just keep getting distracted. I was doing so well after spending the morning doing paper work, but I got distracted once more and ended up late again.
It takes close to 6 hours to do a comic (8 if it's more complex), so giving myself 3-4 hours to work on the comic just isn't going to cut it. Besides, it's better to work a few hours, take a break and work a few hours then to take one long break and then try to finish my comic all in one go. I know what I should do, I just don't do it.
I messed around with the line quality and ended up doubling the lines so they would cover the fill errors. It looks a little better, but I wish there was a way to smooth the lines so they would fill better. Wait, doesn't Manga Studio have a smooth line option? I'll have to remember to try that next time.
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