Being trapped in a small cage can't be any better then hanging upside down in a net, but at least they have been separated. They'll be able to bash the cages around until they tire themselves out.
Another late night getting this page done on time. I'm going to have to try to get to work on the pages earlier. Every day I say the same thing, and every day I get distracted and busy with other things, so that nothing gets done until the last minute.
I guess the main problem is that I tend to get very tired in the afternoons and don't feel like doing work. It's a good time to relax and catch up on email and reading other web comics. The problem is a huge portion of my day is used up because of this. I'm kind of a morning-night person. I have lots of energy in the morning when I first get up and I can stay up for hours late at night, but I get really tied in the afternoons. Sometimes I think if I slept 4 hours at night and 4 hours in the afternoon, I could get a lot more work done.
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