Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sorry for the delay

Hello everyone, sorry for not posting the last few days. Things have been crazy with getting all my work done and doing our make-up presentation at the last minute; then packing and the long trip home. I'm going to spend the weekend recovering and start fresh Monday. Wheither Monday's page is delayed or not will depend on how much I've recovered by Sunday evening. There will definately be a new page by the end of the day Monday, as I will be working full time on the webpage from now on. I'm doing some freelance work to help make ends meet, but I shouldn't have any more problems posting the page regularly. That is, assuming I don't have any more account problems or computer failures like I've had in the past.

Just so it's not a complete loss, here is the final animation project me and six other students worked on. I still laugh at it and I must have watched it at least a hundred times. You're luckly you get to watch the finished version with fresh eyes. I envy you.

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