In case it's not clear, Keira was about to give Mike one of her famous iron-grip hugs when Francis came in with a plate of cookies. Mike (who was siting on his knees) leap forward to get the cookies and thus avoided the hug. Fawn, who is the jealous type, is both happy Keira missed and amused at Mike's obvious cookie obsession. Francis is just happy to be of service and doesn't really understand what's going on (or at least doesn't act like he does).
I planned to do a filler today and next Wednesday in order to make more time for school work. However, this picture took as long to create as a normal page of my comic does, so I didn't really save much time at all. Depending on what's going on next Wednesday, I might do a quick (non-color) filler or just do a regular page.
In the future (after I graduate), I want to do some more fan art for the many (check the links) web comics I read regularly.
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