Monday, April 30, 2007

Comments For Page 305

Sorry for the delay. I did get the page drawn on time, but I slept in (first time I've done that in a long time) and had to go out for lunch.

Looks like Racheal lost her ring. What will she do with her weapon now? I guess she's have to lug it around like she used to.

Slara's armor is based on actual Samurai armor worn by female warriors during the Kamakura period. You can see the image I used below. The Naginata (a long pole with a sword blade on the end) is the weapon of choice for women. They usually carry a wakisahi (short sword) as a backup weapon.

This image also shows the woman carrying a bunch of bamboo javelins or arrows on her back.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

3D Racheal

Here is another random post. yeah for time to actually explore the internet. (where I store my Avatar and other random pictures) has combined with and offered me the chance to check it out. Using what options they had (there are quite a few), I made as close an image of Racheal as I could. The only weapon was a sword, but it looks good on her. You can't change the hair color, so I went with a style that was close. There were no cat ear accessories, which was dissapointing. If there were any they probably wouldn't have looked right anyway. Racheal's ears are special.

Someday soon, I'll have to install 3D studio Max (I won the program in a 3D animation skills compatition) and build my own 3D model of Racheal. Until then, enjoy this image.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Titian style "oil" painting

Shepherd and Maiden

I don't normally post on the weekend, but I put this painting up on DeviantART and I thought you might like to see it. As usual, click on the image to see the full size version.

This painting was done in the style of Titian, a sixteenth centure Italian painter. I used several backgrounds from his paintings and added the girl and boy, who are wearing clothing from Titian's paintings as well.

The painting was done using ArtRage2, an art program that mimics really painting. There are no fills or gradents used. Just brushes and a paint scraper to mix the colors. The ability to zoom in as far as you want really helped in getting all the details right.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Comments For Page 304

Look at the panel in the bottom left corner. It's been a while since I drew Racheal in her full armor. She got rid of the armor because it was heavy and out of place in the arena where everyone else was wearing beach wear.

When I went over the old images of Racheal, I noticed that her ears were a lot smaller in the beginning. I think she is becoming more cat like as time progresses. Of course, when she learns to transform she'll be much more cat like, but that won't be for a while yet.

Not much to report here. All is quiet as I head into the weekend. You'll get to see Slara in full armor on Monday, and I hope to have some other changes in place as well. Stay tooned.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Comments For Page 302 and 303

Sorry for not posting. As usual, coming home has messed up my schedule and it's taking me a while to get organized again. Hopefully, I'll be back on track from now on.

Page 302 has Slara confronting Racheal about her fight with Slara's brother. At the end it seems that Slara is going to fight Racheal herself.

Page 303 shows that not only is Slara going to fight Racheal, she is going to do it in full armor.

Racheal isn't too concerned since she has her own weapon. Long time readers will recognice the battle axe she carries although it hasn't yet been explained where she got that ring. That will finially be reveiled in Friday's page, as the judge is going to want to know that as well.

As I said, I'm home now. I'll be looking for ways to support myself in the coming months, so I plan to spend the weekend overhalling the site and putting in an animated counter to keep track of any money that comes my way. I'll be putting incentives in place to encourage support and I'll be posting on other websites in order to gain support. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I really want to make a go of this.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sorry for the delay

Hello everyone, sorry for not posting the last few days. Things have been crazy with getting all my work done and doing our make-up presentation at the last minute; then packing and the long trip home. I'm going to spend the weekend recovering and start fresh Monday. Wheither Monday's page is delayed or not will depend on how much I've recovered by Sunday evening. There will definately be a new page by the end of the day Monday, as I will be working full time on the webpage from now on. I'm doing some freelance work to help make ends meet, but I shouldn't have any more problems posting the page regularly. That is, assuming I don't have any more account problems or computer failures like I've had in the past.

Just so it's not a complete loss, here is the final animation project me and six other students worked on. I still laugh at it and I must have watched it at least a hundred times. You're luckly you get to watch the finished version with fresh eyes. I envy you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Comments For Page 300 and Page 301

I must be tired. I completely forgot to put page 300 up on the blog. I had the page on my website early, but had so much work to do, I forgot all about puting it on the blog as well. Hopefully most people check the main website ( over this one. This site is more stable, so if my main site comes down, here's where you can come to find out why.

I made a nice big image for page 300, but no more content. When I have more time (hopefully starting next week), I'll put more effort into making each page look good and have lots of content. I need to practice drawing lots of different things.

Page 301 comtinues the story a bit more. Looks like Slara isn't too happy about the fight. It is an official battle, so there's not much she can do about it, or is there? Come back Friday and see what Slara does next.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Comments For Page 299

A little late, but still got it done on time. I like the colors on that painting in panel 1, it really lightens up the room. The sunlight through the window is a nice touch as well.

Monday is the big number 300. Expect an extra large picture like page 200 was. I have a lot of work to do before the end of term, but I hope to be able to get it much of it done this weekend. Knowing me, I supect that won't happen. Page 300 might be late if that's the case, but it will be up on Monday sometime.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Comments For April 11, 2007

Here is a nice picture I did in Life Drawing class to use as a filler since I'm way to busy getting projects done to even think of working on my web comic. The rider is a model wearing home-made armor (it is made with iron chainmail and inpact plastic plates). The horse is my own design. The model was actually sitting on wooden boxes.
The good news is that starting next week, I should be working on my comic full time. That means better art work and more of it. I may even start animating some of my stories. I also plan to redo the begining of the story and print it so you can buy a hard-copy version with a new full-color glossy cover. I have other plans in the work as well, so stay tooned.
Of course, working on the comic full-time means I need to find a way to make money. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I've be checking other web comics to see how they make money and I will likely use some of their ideas here as well. Starting May first, I'll show a monthly total of how much money I've made along with an animation of one or more of the characters.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Comments For Page 298

Racheal's impusiveness has gotten her in trouble again. She really should have waited to see how everyone else responded before accepting a challenge like that. Oh well, maybe she'll know better next time - but don't bet on it.
I wanted to get a lot of work done this weekend, but I didn't get much done at all. Hopefully, I'll do better tomorrow. It doesn't look good for getting a new page up Wednesday, so expect a filler. I should have a new page on Friday, though it might be late.
One more stressful week and then I can take a break. Soon I'll have to make some money if I want to survive. You'll help me out right?

Friday, April 06, 2007

Comments For Page 297

Today's page has a touch of traditional Japanese garb mixed into the fantasy elements. I'm actually guite amazed that it actually works. I hope you like the style.

The Fox girl (Kitsune) referee looks pretty good considering I only spend an hour or so working the image. I some times am amazed at my own art work. Of course, there are things I don't like, but I really can't spend a lot of time worrying about small details. The overall look is nice and that's all that matters.

Expect a little craziness for a while has Racheal gets mixed up with a culture she doesn't understand. It will all lead up to the spectactual 300th page, which I'll do after the school term ends.

Keep on reading.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bardsworth's fan art

Here is the fan art I did for the Bardsworth web comic. The characters are (from left to right): Keira, Mike, Fawn, and Francis.

In case it's not clear, Keira was about to give Mike one of her famous iron-grip hugs when Francis came in with a plate of cookies. Mike (who was siting on his knees) leap forward to get the cookies and thus avoided the hug. Fawn, who is the jealous type, is both happy Keira missed and amused at Mike's obvious cookie obsession. Francis is just happy to be of service and doesn't really understand what's going on (or at least doesn't act like he does).

I planned to do a filler today and next Wednesday in order to make more time for school work. However, this picture took as long to create as a normal page of my comic does, so I didn't really save much time at all. Depending on what's going on next Wednesday, I might do a quick (non-color) filler or just do a regular page.

In the future (after I graduate), I want to do some more fan art for the many (check the links) web comics I read regularly.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Comments For Page 296

Here is a nice pastoral scene with the ARW woman. Too bad those hippomen had to come and spoil it.

Find out what happens Friday (hopefully I'll be able to post Friday even though it's a holiday). On Wednesday, I'll have a filler of Bardsworth (see last post). This will be full-color fan art so I think you'll enjoy it.

If anyone has any suggestions for other fillers I can do, let me know. I want to do another filler for next Wednesday as well.

I didn't get much done this weekend beyond this page so I'm going to have to work hard this week to keep up. Expect to see some good stuff soon.