Sorry for the delay, ... again. Finals are closing in fast and I don't know if I can get everything done and work on the web comic at the same time. However, one of my final projects will be a full-color illustration of my characters - including a few spoiler characters. Look for it by the end of next week. I'll make it the reward for voting over Christmas Vacation.
So who is Horese? Well, the name might be a bit of a clue. I'll drop a few clues about who she is when the next page goes up Friday(?). It looks like the Vixens will have to let Terra into the group whether they want to or not.
Updates are coming. I'll update the info page to include information about Terra and Horese once that information appears here. I also scanned a bunch of my life drawings, so I'll put those up when I get the chance (That might be two weeks away at the rate I'm going). Keep reading and I'll keep putting up my comic pages.
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