Sorry for the delay. I was late getting the page done last night and I didn't get a chance to get the page up until now (6:20 PM) because of everything else that has been going on.
We had some dances come into life drawing class today, which was pretty interesting. They were pretty flexible and were able to stand still in some fairly ackward positions. I'll try to get some of my drawings up so you can see them (I really need to get my drawing scanned so I can do that).
I had a meeting with a client who I created a web page for (go to Site-light Guardian to see it) and get payed. After a quick lunch, I had to go to business class. I got together with my group to research out project and it was after 4:30 by the time that was done. I had an early supper (I hadn't had much to eat all day), and then sat down to finally get my story page finished and put up on the web.
Terra doesn't seem to be too bright. Either that or she doesn't think anyone would have a problem with her joining the group after she just tryed to kill them all. Either way, Wednesdays page sould be pretty interesting.
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