Thursday, November 30, 2006
Comments For Page 246

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Comments For Page 245

Sorry for the delay, ... again. Finals are closing in fast and I don't know if I can get everything done and work on the web comic at the same time. However, one of my final projects will be a full-color illustration of my characters - including a few spoiler characters. Look for it by the end of next week. I'll make it the reward for voting over Christmas Vacation.
So who is Horese? Well, the name might be a bit of a clue. I'll drop a few clues about who she is when the next page goes up Friday(?). It looks like the Vixens will have to let Terra into the group whether they want to or not.
Updates are coming. I'll update the info page to include information about Terra and Horese once that information appears here. I also scanned a bunch of my life drawings, so I'll put those up when I get the chance (That might be two weeks away at the rate I'm going). Keep reading and I'll keep putting up my comic pages.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Comments For Page 243

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Comments For Page 242

Monday, November 20, 2006
Comments For Page 241

Friday, November 17, 2006
Comments For Page 240
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Comments For Page 239

Looks like Bunny still likes Racheal . . . or is this just some part of her master plan? Once a character turns bad, you can't help thinking all kinds of negative things about them, can you? You'll just have to wait and see where all this will lead to. Stay tooned.
School work is falling behind again. I'm really going to have to work hard to catch up. Darm my need to take a vacation. I really should have stayed at school and caught up on my work.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Comments For Page 238

Sorry for the delay. I've been on holiday this weekend and have been avoiding anything resembling work. Everything is back on schedule now.
Who's Deloria? Was she Bunny all along or has something else taken control of her? Is Terria really the snake girl or is she another player in this already complex story? What do they know about Alimetra that has yet to be revealed?
It will be a while before any of these questions are answered. The question that will be answered is what will these two do next. Stay tooned to find out.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Comments For Page 237

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Comments For Page 236
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Comments For Page 235

Looks like Toi is back to her old self, sort of. She still has the head and paws of a rat and is twice as big as she was before. Bunny seems to have grown to three times her normal size. Will they ever return to normal? How did they even change in the first place? These answers will be revealed later. The question right now is "How are the others going to react to their friends' transformations?" That question will be answered soon as the battle in the ally continues Wednesday.
I've gotten a lot of my animation done over the weekend, but I didn't scan any of my sketches or life drawings. Sorry. I'll try to remember to do this when I get some free time. (Don't hold your breath.) My animation is still pretty rough, so I don't have anything to show at this time. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll put up the finished "pencil test" (This is the animation with no color and rough lines everywhere. It is meant to test the animation to make sure it is working before being cleaned-up and colored).
Friday, November 03, 2006
Comments For Page 234

If you look carefully, you'll notice that Bunny has grown considerably bigger then Toi. Considering how big Toi was on Page 233 compaired to Bunny, Bunny must now be gigantic.
I wonder how Balap is going to react now that Bunny's hands are bigger then he is. Come back Monday to find out.
Classes are going well. I'm keeping up with my work, although I'm still not getting my animation done. I'll have to work on that today and throughout the weekend.
This weekend I also hope to put up some of my sketches and life drawings. I did a nice picture in Coral Painter that I want to put on the site as well. I don't have too much homework this weekend, so hopefully I can get some other things done.