Wonder what's keeping penny? Swimming through sewage can't be good to her feathers. Is she going to be alright?
Painted the walls and pool this time. Makes for an interesting look to the page. Maybe I should paint backgrounds more often.
I tried to make it look like Racheal and Toi were in mid- transformation in the second panel. It is interesting how their clothing appears from under the fur. It's all part of the magical effect of the tokens.
My neighbor asked me to change the taps in her bathroom yesterday and it took most of the afternoon to do. I needed a long nap afterward, so that pretty much killed my day. Fortunately, I was able to get this page done before noon today.
I'm going to work on some Dungeon Legacy stuff for the rest of the day, unless she calls me back.
Tonight, I'm hoping to join the "The Sequential Artists' Pub" podcast. This is a new group that was started to allow sequential artists to get together and talk about their craft. They get together twice a month, with tonight being the first open meeting. Two weeks ago, some artists got together to discuss the idea. This included cartoonists Jerzy Drozd (www.sugaryserials.com), Krishna Sadasivam (www.pcweenies.net), and Mark Rudolph (www.cvcomics.com). The call starts at 10 PM EST (7 PM PST), if anyone reading this wants to join in.
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