Oops, looks like Racheal's down. The girls actually lost the battle. Looks like this is the end ... or not.
This cold/flu thing is still hanging on but I'm recovering my strength. This will be the last page without any background detail for a while, so it's good that I have my strength back.
My next chapter will have lots of different backgrounds so I can practice them. The characters will be moving outside again, so expect more details.
I'm also working on a new comic and I put a short description of the main characters on a wordpress blog. This isn't a finalized list but I think it's a good mix. I'll draw up some character designs and some story details as I continue the blog. This blog is mainly for ARW, so I felt a development blog dedicated to the new comic would be a good idea.
I'll see you all on Friday (sooner if you go to the other blog).
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