Racheal's hair is now a dark brown instead of her original black. This is due to her hair becoming golden brown in her lion form.
Toi's skin has changed color, becoming a lighter shade of golden brown. This is her natural skin color.
Birhena's skin has also returned to it's natural color. In both cases, this is because the fur they were covered with has disappeared.
Birhena's horns have changed color. This was mostly so they contrast better with her hair and skin. Her horns are also shorter as a result of her returning to her quasi-human form.
I've been drawing the characters with muzzles for too long. It's good to get back to doing more human faces. As you can see, I put some effort into giving the characters unique faces. Racheal has a round face, Toi is more heart shaped, and Birhena is squarish. I'll redesign the other characters as they are reintroduced.
Slara unfortunately will always have a muzzle, unless she somehow acquires an animal token of her own. Lets see, what tokens are unaccounted for...
Tiger (Feline) - Racheal
Rat (rodent) - Toi
Ox (bovine) - Angel
Dragon (drake) - Ann
Rabbit (Lagomorpha) - Bunny
Snake (Reptile) - Terra
Horse (Equine) - Horese
Sheep (Bovidae) - Birhena
Boar (Swine) - Georgena
Rooster (Avian) - Unnamed
Monkey (Primate) - Unknown
Dog (Canine) - Unknown
The first name is the classical Chinese Zodiac animal. The word in brackets is the family this animal comes from. As you can tell by Racheal's recent lion form, the girls are not limited to the classical animal forms but can transform into any species within the same family. So far, only Horese and Terra have the ability to control what form they take. The others will transform randomly when they are subjected to trauma.
The boar and Rooster have been designed, but have not been introduced (though Gena was seen in a flashback), so that only leaves the monkey and Dog. The most logical choice is for Slara to become the monkey. This would be backwards from what the others experienced as the transformation would make her look more human (which is the reason I want to transform her in the first place).
There are still a few plot points that need to be dealt with first, but I'll see how things are going by the time the Rooster girl is introduced.
Keep reading and supporting the comic.
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