My brother left early and I had time to finish the page. I tried to keep things simple, but the first panel still took a while to do.
You'll notice I'm still playing with the look of the characters. The characters have thin waists and broad chests now. Switching to jeans kind of help give the characters the new look. I tried to keep Racheal's facial features the same this time as well.
I like the mirror, although I wonder if the reflection should be more brown then blue? A brown reflexion would kind of get lost in the wall. Maybe we can pretend there is a window opposite the mirror and it's reflecting the sky outside.
Nothing new to report. I'm just plugging along, trying to learn as much as I can about art and animation. I'd learn better by doing then reading, but I still can't get my act together. Oh well, I still have two weeks until graduation. After that, I'll have no choice but to find a way to make some money. A wonder if I can my sell art online? I've got to do something.
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