Sorry for giving you another filler. I'm very busy trying to finish up this work project. It's good to have work, but deadlines kind of suck. This is my first official freelance job and I want to get a good recommendation so that I can get more work. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to schedule my time better so that I can work on the comic and any side work I have to do at the same time.
The four drawings are some of the last drawings I did in life drawing class of our model, Janet. She was a great model and I enjoyed working with her. It's hard to believe that I've been drawing her (along with several other models) for two years and I'll probably never see her again.
My drawings have vastly improved over the last two years (as anyone reading my archive can plainly see). These drawings were all done in about five minutes each (the top left one was closer to ten). When I first started life drawing, I'd be lucky to have a drawing that looked human in that amount of time.
Everyone in an art field (be it illustration, painting, classical animation, or 3D computer models) should take life drawing classes. If you can't afford them or there aren't any in your area, then set up your own sessions. You don't need a nude model (though the fewer clothes the better) or even a human model (animals and still life drawings are also options), but the important this is to draw from real life. Too many people draw off of other's pictures or from photographs. While there is nothing wrong with doing that in general, you can pick up a lot of bad habits if that's the only drawing you do. You need to learn how real things are put together before you attempt to develop a style. Draw every day, even if it's just a quick sketch of a pencil. The more you draw, the better you'll get. Then you can start experimenting with styles.
I've got to go back to work. My project is due Wednesday, so I should have an actual comic page up then, although it will likely be up late. See you Wednesday.