I hope you like the fur coat. I'm not really getting politically correct or anything. It's just the idea of someone who is all ready half animal wearing another animal's skin is a little weird to think about. She does look cute in that coat, though.
Friday is the last day for outfit changes. On Monday, I'll have Manga Studio back into operation which will lead to a new look for the page and a new story for the gang. You'll also see their final outfits as they will be forced to make a decision pretty quickly (Find out why on Monday).
I also plan to start putting some new voting incentives up on TWC and Buzz Comics. There is only a little over a month until School ends for me and I'm going to need to either get a job or start finding ways to entice my readers to support me. That means offering my services as an artist and animator to whomever needs them. I have a new idea for a company to make money on the side, which I'll talk more about as I finalize it and I hope to start offering animated shorts of my web comic to people willing to pay extra for them. I have lots of ideas, I just need to focus my time on getting them done. Voting incentives will be first. After that we'll see what happens.
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