Friday, March 30, 2007
Comments For Page 295
In order to make the fillers meaningful, I'm thinking of doing a page of other people's characters and sending it to them. With luck they'll put the picture up on their site and people will come check me out. I really need to get more traffic on my site and this is one way that might work. At least it will give me practice drawing other people's characters, which is a great way to develop your own style.
If I don't do fillers, Page 300 will hit right when many of my projects are due. By doing a few fillers, I can push the page into the next week where I'll have more time to do a good job on it. It's a win-win for me that way. If anyone has a character they want me to draw, then I can give a few of my loyal readers a gift as well. Everyone wins!
The way it looks now, Monday will be a regular page. Wednesday will be a filler (It owe Bardsworth a picture for taking his mini-posting window idea and putting it on my own site). Friday is a holiday (Good Friday) So we'll see what happens there. Easter Monday should be a regular page. The following Wednesday will be a filler and that Friday will probably be a filler as well. After that, I should be able to post regularly again.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Comments For Page 294
How do you like the girl on girl action in the second panel? Okay, so maybe it's not really that erotic, it's still kind of neat to draw.
Note that Racheal's not in the pile because she knows better then to stand under the portal. Ann has wings. So that only leaves Toi. Were is Toi? You don't suppose she's under Bunny, do you? Find out on Friday.
I got my rough 3D animation done, so now I just need to put in a few walk cycles and some lip sync and it will be good to go. Well, there are some other movements that need to be smoothed out and the lighting fixed and, well you can mess with the animation for hours if you wanted to. There is only a few weeks left of classes so I really need to get moving on the project.
See you on Friday.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Comments For Page 293
I got both the new page and a new card up today. I'm doing pretty good so far. We'll see what happens Wednesday. I hope to keep ahead of my work so I can get stuff done, but who knows what will happen.
I seem to spend a lot of time drawing these nice looking static pictures. I really should spend more time animating. Being a good artist is a good thing, but animating drawings is a whole new ball game.
Give me a vote this week and get a nice Obitckert picture and some stats about him. Next week I'll do the elf. Lots of new information about him to find out.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Comments For Page 292
Here's page 292 - soon to be 291 since technically this page should come before the last one. I'll wait until I post on Monday to switch the pages so that everyone will get a change to view the current page before I switch them around.
Anyone following the story will recognise the scenes shown in panels 2 and three. I'd link to the pages, but I don't know if it's worth sending people to the old pages. If you're really interested, it happens pretty early in the archives, so take a look.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Aaaaaaaaagh! I hate my server
I can contact them and get it fixed, but for some reason I can never log in from home now. The only reason I could post at all is that I can get in the back door by logging into the control panel. However, at school the control panel has always been locked out by the schools computers. I'm sure it's some firewall issue, since I can't use control panels from any other server either (I edit a site for someone else as well).
* update*
I got an email this afternoon stating that they have changed the FTP site it make it easier to log on, so hopefully this problem will not occur again. If it does, they say they will replace the firewall with one that is a little less temperamental. I can upload to my site now, so that problem was taken care of at least. I hope this won't occur again, but we'll see....
Comments for Page 290
Sorry for the delay putting this page up here. It's been on my main site since Sunday night but I forgot to post it here because of all the work I need to do to make up for the lack of production over the break.
I tried messing around with the design of the wall to make it stand out more without distracting from the main images. Slara looks ready for action in the last panel. That took a bit of work to do.
I'm not sure how long Slara's dress is supposed to be. It looks above the knee in panel 4, but below the knee in panel 5. I'll split the difference and make it knee length in the future. That's the problem with drawing without a reference, things can change sizes and lengths on you if you're not careful.
Comments For Page 291
I know I said that 292 would be the next cover page - and it would be if I followed the story, but I'm just so busy right now, I figured it would make more sense to do the cover now and post a full page in Friday when I'd have more time to work on it.
I'm working on a Renaissance-like painting for life drawing class and used some of the elements from the design work here. This picture actually didn't take that long to put together despite the detail. I like the way the shadows turned out.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Comments For Page 289
Like the subway train in panel one? See I can do nice backgrounds if I put my mind to it. I suppose I could have reused the train in the other panels instead of leaving them blank, but most of the panels are pretty full as it is and I think it would have been distracting.
Since I'm headed back to school Monday, I'm going to have to find a way to speed up the process of making each page which means I won't be doing too many more backgrounds for a while. Either that, or the whole page will be a background with a few characters and nothing else (similar to what I did on Page 278 - Mega Mall (this is basically the cover for the chapter about the mall, which is just finishing up). Page 292 on Friday will likely be a full page cover showing Slara's homeworld. I need to plan for page 300 to be something special as well. Maybe I'll do a double-page spread like page 200. It will likely depend on how busy I am at the time.
I'll be done school at the end of next month, so if I don't have a job by then you can expect to see a lot more effort put into these pages. Keep reading and I'll keep posting.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Comments For Page 288
These high quality comic pages are really taking a lot of my valuable time. Once I get the new outfits drawn a few times, I should be faster at this, but it's really taking a long time to get the look just right. I suppose that's why a lot of artists never change they characters look. Although, I heard that the real reason is that most artists only have one male face and one female face, so the only way to tell characters apart is with their clothes and hair styles.
I suppose it's true that I don't have a set face for each girl, but they are so different in other ways, you can still tell then apart. Ann's one eye is bigger then anyone else's as well, so she'd look different even without the horns. Horese, Bunny, Toi, and Racheal all have noses that reflex what animal they are. The only two that look similar are Angel and Terra, since they both have human features. Terra does look younger then Angel, so I try to keep that in mind when drawing the two of them. Terra is however much older then Angel (older then all the characters except Horese) and has some control of her appearance as well.
I'm really going to try to get some voting incentives done up this week, so I can start putting them up next week. This is your last chance to get the current incentive, though I'm sure anyone who cares has it already. Keep those votes coming.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Comments For Page 287
I was really late putting the page up today. I could blame my service provider for putting new security on their servers so that I need to register any ISP's I use. Since I'm home for March Break, I need to set up my home computer. When I get a job and move somewhere else, I'll have to register that ISP as well. It is a bit annoying.
However, the truth is I was taking it easy this weekend and didn't even look at my webcomic until Sunday night. It took most of the evening just to set Manga Studio up in the new format, so I really didn't start drawing the comic until today. It was just my luck that it would take most of the day to draw and color everything while making adjustments as I went, so it was after supper before the page was finished.
Wednesday's page will be on time, since I'm going to start it early tomorrow. Hopefully, I've gotten most of the bugs out and I won't have any problems getting the page done. I have other work that I need to do and I can't spend all day working on my web comic.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Comments For Page 286
Not much else to say, except to remind you that Monday will see the girls in their final outfits (Actually I may save some for Wednesday since the page will be pretty crowded with everyone on it. I'll see what happens when the time comes, but expect some final outfits to appear on Monday.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Comments For Page 285
I hope you like the fur coat. I'm not really getting politically correct or anything. It's just the idea of someone who is all ready half animal wearing another animal's skin is a little weird to think about. She does look cute in that coat, though.
Friday is the last day for outfit changes. On Monday, I'll have Manga Studio back into operation which will lead to a new look for the page and a new story for the gang. You'll also see their final outfits as they will be forced to make a decision pretty quickly (Find out why on Monday).
I also plan to start putting some new voting incentives up on TWC and Buzz Comics. There is only a little over a month until School ends for me and I'm going to need to either get a job or start finding ways to entice my readers to support me. That means offering my services as an artist and animator to whomever needs them. I have a new idea for a company to make money on the side, which I'll talk more about as I finalize it and I hope to start offering animated shorts of my web comic to people willing to pay extra for them. I have lots of ideas, I just need to focus my time on getting them done. Voting incentives will be first. After that we'll see what happens.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Comments For Page 284
Sorry for the poor text and other changes to the page. I know I promised some changes, but this isn't what I meant. The problem is that my portable hard drive - the one I keep all my ARW stuff on - crashed and I lost everything I've done in the last three months. That's not too much of a problem since the more important stuff is already up on the website. The real problem is that my copy of Manga Studio was on that hard Drive as well along with all my format settings.
I suppose it won't be too hard to redo all the changes I've done to the settings. I was planing on making a few more anyway. The problem is that my backup copy is at home - 150 miles from here. Fortunately March break is next weekend, which means I can get my backups and have time to work on the formating as well. The problem is what to do until then.
Well as you can see, I decided to keep making my comic without Manga Studio and am using Photoshop instead. Now I'm sure a lot of you use Photoshop and it is great for altering excisting images, but I'm not used to how it works. I spent much of the weekend figuring out how to get the look I wanted and you can see the result isn't pretty. I'll try to do better for Wednesday.
My hard drive was a least kind enough to crash on Friday so that I had time to work on an alternative. Otherwise, you would be looking at a filler comic now of me ranting about my broken hard drive. Did I mention my broken hard drive? my hard drive? hard drive? hard drive? (check out "Stuck in the Drive Through" by Wierd Al if you don't get the reference).
Friday, March 02, 2007
Comments For Page 283
I've really got to start work on these pages earier. I've got a lot of school work to do. Business plans to write, 3D models to build, paintings to design, and web comics to redesign.
That's right, I plan to re-design the webcomic page. I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I want to get it done now before everything gets too crazy. I've been playing around with what the program can do and there are several features that I really should use. If all goes well, there should be a new look to the page come Monday.
Bunny seems to have the right idea about what people should wear on a long hike, but really, would you want the girls wearing flanel shirts and jeans? Well, would you? Because you do get to vote on what the final designs look like. Expect more designs next week and the final designs the week after. Once the designs are done, the girls can begin their greatest adventure so far - the hunt for the twelve! Don't miss it.