Recently my web server put in a new computer to take care of the heavy traffic load, which in itself is great. The problem is that the new computer locks out any ISP address the it doesn't like - and it only takes one little mistake for it to hate you. When I went home I couldn't get on the site at all because the computer hates my home address due due to the many problems trying to log in. Now I just messed up my school account and I can't post from school either. This is so frustrating. Who ever heard of a system totally locking out an entire ISP account because on
ONE error. Three errors maybe, but one? I mean if it just closed you out for an hour or even a day, okay. But locking you out forever because of one little mistake? That's just insane.
I can contact them and get it fixed, but for some reason I can never log in from home now. The only reason I could post at all is that I can get in the back door by logging into the control panel. However, at school the control panel has always been locked out by the schools computers. I'm sure it's some firewall issue, since I can't use control panels from any other server either (I edit a site for someone else as well).
* update*I got an email this afternoon stating that they have changed the FTP site it make it easier to log on, so hopefully this problem will not occur again. If it does, they say they will replace the firewall with one that is a little less temperamental. I can upload to my site now, so that problem was taken care of at least. I hope this won't occur again, but we'll see....
Comments for Page 290
Sorry for the delay putting this page up here. It's been on my main site since Sunday night but I forgot to post it here because of all the work I need to do to make up for the lack of production over the break.
I tried messing around with the design of the wall to make it stand out more without distracting from the main images. Slara looks ready for action in the last panel. That took a bit of work to do.
I'm not sure how long Slara's dress is supposed to be. It looks above the knee in panel 4, but below the knee in panel 5. I'll split the difference and make it knee length in the future. That's the problem with drawing without a reference, things can change sizes and lengths on you if you're not careful.
Comments For Page 291
I know I said that 292 would be the next cover page - and it would be if I followed the story, but I'm just so busy right now, I figured it would make more sense to do the cover now and post a full page in Friday when I'd have more time to work on it.
I'm working on a Renaissance-like painting for life drawing class and used some of the elements from the design work here. This picture actually didn't take that long to put together despite the detail. I like the way the shadows turned out.