Whoops, seems like Racheal should have kept here mouth shut. Now they have to deal with a Mondroit - whatever that is. The Scalians seem happy about it so you know it can't be a good thing.
Not much to report today. I've been doing a lot of research on the web. Seeing what kind of animation was out there. I though Atom Films was a good place to look for quality animated films, but there is a great deal of good stuff you can only find by going to animators own websites. I've also found a few more articles talking about the state of animation today. One scary statement one commenter made was that animations schools are producing a generation of factory workers instead of independent artists. People want to go where the money is, and that is working for the various animation studios. Real artists will go the independent route and create their own films. Fortunately Canada (where I live) will pay artists to produce independent films. The catch is, you need to create an independent film first and have it shown to the public (Film festivals are the best way to do this) before they will fund you. My goal is to produce something while I'm still in college that is worthy of showing at a film festival. I'll keep you posted at to how I'm doing.
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