Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!
Today's comic is a contrast of color and black and white. I also experimented with the idea of space. Again, only you can decide how well this works together, but I'm trying.
I hope most of my readers will forgive me for experimenting with the design of my web comic. This project is as much to help me to develop my art style as it is to produce an interesting story. I am currently reading several books on art design including:
"Understanding Comics:The Invisible Art" by Scott McCloud - an interesting look at what comics are and how they work as a visual story telling medium. Anyone interested in Sequential Art (including animation - though the focus is on comics) should read this book.
"Comics and Sequential Art" by Will Eisner - I've only read the first few chapters, but it is already clear that Mr. Eisner is a master of sequential art (again, referring to comics). He really thinks about the placement and shape of every element - including the frames around panels. He was one of the first to remove the frames for added dramatic effect. A must read for anyone using this art form (Note that Mr. McCloud refers to this book several times in his own book).
"Creating Characters with Personality" by Tom Bancroft - a brand new book (published 2006) and one of the only books to go into character creation in full detail. Mr. Bancroft works as a character creator for Disney (he created "Beast" from "Beauty and the Beast" along with many other well know characters). This is a real nuts and bolts book about creating characters, which includes a project the reader can work on themselves to get use to character design. The most important thing I came away with when reading this book is that I need to pose my characters more to create more dynamic and likeable characters. I'll try to do this in Wednesday's page. It includes a battle scene, so posing will really help bring the page to life - I hope.