Oh no! Looks like Racheal's in trouble. Maybe this isn't the same creature she met a while back (see page 158).
This page has less going on then the last one, yet it took me longer to draw. Why is that? Maybe because I haven't drawn a Battle Scrofian in a long time, and never a well detailed one. It could also be because I had a few distractions this time.
Going back to school is going to be hard. Not because the classes will be harder, in fact they should be easier, but because a lot of my time will be used to perfect my webcomic. Last year I just drew as fast as I could and kept the details simple. This year I want to really learn to do more detail and work on backgrounds. I have a couple of courses that will teach me to draw better, so I'll use what I learn there to make better images here.
If you keep reading, I'll keep drawing. Keep in touch.
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