Here are a few character sketches for my new comic project, "The Lesbian Biker Girls verses the Nighty Ninja Nuns" (LBG vs NNN)

This idea just popped into my head as most ideas do, but for some reason it hit home harder then some of my other ideas. The story reminds me of "
Macho Women with Guns", a pen and Paper RPG from the early 90's, so I'm going to use that source material as background for the story.
The story is set in an alternate future where most of the male population has died off and the women have taken control of what's left of society. The few men that are left are of low intelligence and lacking in moral-fiber, which is a problem for the woman.
Understandably, lesbianism is common place now, but still frowned upon by the Church. The Macho women who have taken control and the religious groups who want to restore order to the world are constantly at odds, which is where my story comes in. My graphic novel will deal with one of the many conflicts that take place all over the world in this time period.
I plan on drawing the roughs over the next month or so, and see that happens after that. If anyone wants to help ink or color the pages let me know. I would like to be able to publish this book and any help getting it done would be welcome.