The local art groups decided to get together and offer art classes for the local communities of Kings County, N.S. Tonight they sponsored a life drawing class and I got to attend. There was such a good response that they're thinking of making this a regular thing. Let's hope so, I can really use the practice. I did 8 hours a week of life drawing at college and my art skills went down hill quickly when I graduated. I've greatly improved since then and it was a great joy to find that I took to life drawing like a fish to water.
It took a few tries to get back into the swing of things, so I'll spare you the warm-up drawings, but here are the rest of the sketches that I did.

This was a 5 minute pose that I drew too quickly. The waist is too long but overall it's not bad

I switched to a 3B pencil and it adversely affected the line quality. That blob on her shoulder is supose to be her right hand

I switched to a charcoal stick and filled the whole page on this one. There is some distortion caused from scanning the image in two parts and putting them together in Photoshop. The image on the left is a quick sketch I did with a 2B pencil

This time the woman was lying directly opposite me, causing a lot of foreshortening. I just couldn't get the hand right, so I started over again. The second time (on the right) I did the hand first and then fit everything around that. Still not perfect but it looks much better.

We switched to a 10 minute pose and the instructor put a strong light on the subject. This is the best of all the sketches since I had the time to do it right.

The final sketch of the night was a 15 minute pose with a strong light like the last one, but it didn't come out as well. The odd angle of the left leg threw me off a bit. This was also a fill page drawing and combining the two haves in PS once more distorted the image a bit.
I drew a small thumbnail in the corner before drawing the full size image but I should have paid more attention to the anatomy. Getting the pose right in the thumbnail can help you to avoid mistakes in the finished drawing. I'll have to be more careful next time.
Well, that was my first life drawing class in 5 years. Not bad for being so out of practice. I hope they'll keep this going. I'll let you know if and when we have another session.