Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Comments For Page 282

Sorry for the lateness of this post. It takes a lot longer to make these pages then it used to. The biggest problem is the new costume changes. First I have to design then, then I have to draw them on the characters. I also need to assign new colors as well. My line quality has gotten to a point that I fuss about every little mistake. What a change from last year.

Here's a picture I did near the end of Feburary of last year. I thought it was pretty good at the time. Ann looked pretty good jumping into the air and riding that monster. Too bad most of the other pages weren't as good.

I'm keeping up with my school work. Nothing to report yet. Maybe I'll have something new for the weekend. See you Friday.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Comments For Page 281

How do you like Ann's new outfit? It's not neccisarely her final outfit, but I though it was an interesting design.

Suzy an interesting character. I'd like to use her beyond this side story but she doesn't really fit anywhere else. Maybe the gang will visit her again some day.

My job interview went well today. I wasn't really prepaired but they seemed to like my work. I'll have to wait to see who gets the job, but I think I have a good chance at it.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Comments For Page 280

Sorry this is so late going up, but it took a long time to create this page for some reason. I think I'm a little out of practice after all the simpler styled pages I put up for the flashback. The other reason might be that I had to draw Suzy different every time she appears. The reason for this will be explained in Monday's page along with a few other things about Plymorps.
By the way, the name comes from Pliable Morpher. I would have spelt it Plimorp but that looks too much like plim-orp and I didn't want people to be confused about the pronunciation. FYI, Slimorp is short for Stimulate Morpher.
I have a job interview on Monday, so I don't know what quality Monday's page will be in. I was hoping to get some stuff done today but that's not going to happen now. I'll try to get a lot done Saturday so I'll have Sunday to work on the next page, but previous experience tells me that's not going to happen.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Comments For Page 279

Sorry that this page is Black and White. I'm experimenting with a new format and it takes a while to set everything up. I'll see what I can do for Friday. I may go back to the old format and then have a really good looking page starting Monday. I'll see how much work I can do on the page format between then and now.

I'm going to put more or my digital art on my Deviant art site (see side bar for the link). Most of them were done using Coral Painter 8, and are very nice looking if I say so myself. Painter doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Photoshop has, but the brushes are amazing. ArtRage 2 is another program I've seen that uses similar brushes and it's only $20 US! I think I'll do my next painting using ArtRage and see how that goes. I'll put those up on Deviant art as well.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Comments For Page 278

The girls have finally reached the mall. What will they find here? What new outfits will they try on? What new look with the girls have when this is all over? You get to deside. Send in your suggestings and design ideas. Post a message about that you like or don't like. All feedback is welcome.

My weekend was pretty quiet. I played this new Virtual Village game ( , which was kind of neat. You have to help a group of islanders to survive.

I'll see you all Wednesday when the first new outfits arrive. I hope you like them.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Comments For Page 277

Horese's story is finally done and a new chapter of the story will begin Monday. I plan on changing the outfits of all the girls (and maybe the guys as well), so if anyone has any suggestions or design ideas let me know. I'll probably have the girls try on a few outfits before I finalize anything, so feel free to say what you like or don't like about any of the clothing. Remember the girls are going on a long trip into many different enviroments, so they need to dress appropriately.

Classes have been kind of sporatic lately, so there hasn't been much to do except work on our big animation project - which is good since the term is nearly half over and we've barely got the story finished. My model just needs some blend shapes for facial expressions and it will be ready for texturing. Next week we'll have to start modeling the backgrounds so we can start filming the actually animation. Using 3D to animate is easier once all the models and sets are designed, but the process of creating everything can really eat away at your time.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Comments For Page 276

Have a Happy Valentines Day, everyone. Personally, I'm not one to celerbrate Valentines Day since I don't have any significant other in my life, but I hope those that do are doing what they can to show how much they love their partner.
I had a really busy day yesterday and that's why this post is later then normal. Our class went down to Halifax to visit several of the animation studios there. We went to Collideascope (Flash), Copernicus (classical + Flash), Halifax Film (Maya 3D), and Electropolis (Stop motion). It was interesting to see the different approaches to animation as well as the work ethic of each studio. Collideascope just finished Johnny Test (WB network). Copernicus is working on a new George of the Jungle cartoon. Halifax Film was making Bo on the Go (an exercise show for 5-8 year olds). Electropolis was working on Lunar Jim (another kids show). It was all very interesting and well worth the visit.
I was suppost to have a major project due today, but no one was finished on time so we have it extended until Monday. I should go and try to finish it anyway. See you Friday for the conclusion of Horese's story.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Comments For Page 275

Oops! Horese has fallen over the cliff. Can she survive the fall? Well this is a flashback so you know she does, but what else will happen to her? Come back Wednesday and find out.
Took the weekend off and relaxed so I'm a little behind in my school work. Not much else to talk about.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Comments For Page 274

Horese has reached the waterfall, but now that is she going to do? Her master isn't coming back and Catrena can't help her. They both seemed to want her to come here though. Why? What secret does the waterfall hold? Come back Monday and find out.
The animatic isn't quite done. We want to do a few more changes to it to make it perfect. We spent most of the day fixing a lot of problems. We even cut an entire scene because it just wasn't working. We replaced it with a scene we feel works much better. We also altered some of the storyboards to make it clearer what is going on. Sound effects were added to enhance a few scenes as well. There is still a couple of scenes that need to be reworked, but it's looking pretty good so far. Hopefully it will be done next week and I can put it up for you to see.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Comments For Page 273

Now that both Catrena and her master are gone, Horese is all alone in the world. Cat was sane enough to give her a key but not strong enough to tell her what it's for. Something about escape and water. Come back Friday and see if Horese can figure it out before the guards get her.

People laughed at the right places when they saw our animatic, so that's a good sign. A few suggestions were made about how to make it funnier or clearer in spots but overall they loved it. On Thursday, we are going to gather all the suggestions together and make the final adjustments before starting to make the backgrounds. The characters are already being modeled.

Here is a sneek peak of the cyclops that will appear. This model is uncolored and missing hands and an eye, but you can still see the basic structure of the final character. Imagine a high-pitched nerds voice coming from this thing and you can start to understand the humor.
I'll post the animatic Friday.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Comments for page 272

Both Horese and Catrena are running for their lives. Is Catrena sane enough to help Horese or is she more dangerious then the guards? Come back Wednesday to find out.
I didn't get a lot done this weekend. I did finish the animatic for our class 3D project, and it looks like it will be pretty funny when it's done. I'd put it up on the site but it's not really mine to show, and it's still in a pretty rough stage at this point anyway. I make sure to link to the final version when it's done.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Comments For Page 271

Horese is on the run, but for how long? The action builds as Horese's life is destroyed piece by piece. Come back next week to see what happens to her next.
Not much to add. Schools going well. Lots of work to do. Job offers coming left and right, this time from COGS (land surveyors). They need people to create realistic 3D landscapes based on actual terrain. Not a fun job but a respectable one.