Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Comments For Page 282
Sorry for the lateness of this post. It takes a lot longer to make these pages then it used to. The biggest problem is the new costume changes. First I have to design then, then I have to draw them on the characters. I also need to assign new colors as well. My line quality has gotten to a point that I fuss about every little mistake. What a change from last year.
Here's a picture I did near the end of Feburary of last year. I thought it was pretty good at the time. Ann looked pretty good jumping into the air and riding that monster. Too bad most of the other pages weren't as good.
I'm keeping up with my school work. Nothing to report yet. Maybe I'll have something new for the weekend. See you Friday.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Comments For Page 281
How do you like Ann's new outfit? It's not neccisarely her final outfit, but I though it was an interesting design.
Suzy an interesting character. I'd like to use her beyond this side story but she doesn't really fit anywhere else. Maybe the gang will visit her again some day.
My job interview went well today. I wasn't really prepaired but they seemed to like my work. I'll have to wait to see who gets the job, but I think I have a good chance at it.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Comments For Page 280
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Comments For Page 279
Sorry that this page is Black and White. I'm experimenting with a new format and it takes a while to set everything up. I'll see what I can do for Friday. I may go back to the old format and then have a really good looking page starting Monday. I'll see how much work I can do on the page format between then and now.
I'm going to put more or my digital art on my Deviant art site (see side bar for the link). Most of them were done using Coral Painter 8, and are very nice looking if I say so myself. Painter doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Photoshop has, but the brushes are amazing. ArtRage 2 is another program I've seen that uses similar brushes and it's only $20 US! I think I'll do my next painting using ArtRage and see how that goes. I'll put those up on Deviant art as well.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Comments For Page 278
My weekend was pretty quiet. I played this new Virtual Village game ( , which was kind of neat. You have to help a group of islanders to survive.
I'll see you all Wednesday when the first new outfits arrive. I hope you like them.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Comments For Page 277
Classes have been kind of sporatic lately, so there hasn't been much to do except work on our big animation project - which is good since the term is nearly half over and we've barely got the story finished. My model just needs some blend shapes for facial expressions and it will be ready for texturing. Next week we'll have to start modeling the backgrounds so we can start filming the actually animation. Using 3D to animate is easier once all the models and sets are designed, but the process of creating everything can really eat away at your time.