Monday, July 31, 2006

Comments for Page 193

Here it is. My first full color page for Alternate Reality Worlds. Gaze at the wondrous beauty that meets your eyes... or not. Actually I've produced better art work then this, but not in this short a time. Not that 8 hours is a short amount of time, just that I've never worked on a project that was due in under three days.

Nothing special here. I was focusing on getting all the characters into the picture so you could see them all in color. I had planned to show the opposite battle line as well, but between the long process time and amount of detail required, I decided to stick with the main characters. I'll show the other side on the battle on Wednesday.

Angel refers to the dark-brown haired Scalion in the top panel, so I suppose I'll have to color the Scalion's hair on the next page so you can see who she's referring to.

In case there is anyone new to my web comic, the characters in the bottom panel are, from left to right: Racheal, Angel, Bunny, Ann, Slara, and Toi - together forming the Volupuous Vixens team.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

A couple of animated shorts I made

Slime Warrior
A modern day warrior tries to save the city from a slime invasion.

Here is an animation I created for a school project. It is experimental in nature and mixes several types of computer programs together to create the effects you see. I used Photoshop to edit the backgrounds, Coral Painter to create the characters, and Adobe Premiere to create the animation. Enjoy!

Sandor's Place
A woman sees a shadowy figure enter an old building and follows. What horrors will she find below?

This animation was done all in Flash 7 and then converted to MPEG format so I could put it on a DVD. There is a short section that was done with paper and pencil to demostrate my ability to do classical animation. This is a fun little story but it was mostly done for demonstration purposes.

Keep your eyes open at the end and you should see a few familiar characters as the scene fades out.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Comments for Page 192

Sorry for the week long delay. It took a lot longer to get my computer back from the repair shop then originally estimated. It's back now and better then ever, so where shouldn't be any more delays.

Click on the image for a bigger picture.

I've gone back to the simpler backgrounds on this page because it's taking me a while to get back into the swing of things and catch up on all my messages and emails. Monday will be much better and in full color as well! I'm not used to working with color, so we'll see how it goes. If all goes well, I may start doing all my pages in color. Page 200 will be in color for sure. Let me know what you think.

I changed the style a little once again. Mostly because I haven't been drawing Racheal for I while and am a little rusty. I'll finalize her look one of these days.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Sorry, Computer trouble

Sorry I can't put up my new comic page today since my computer is in the shop. I hope to get it back soon, but until I do my access to the internet is very limited. I'll put up the next page as soon as possible and will try to get Mondays page up on time as well. Sorry for this unfortunate delay.

Update: The computer is still now repaired. There seens to be some internal glich that's interfering with the video card and causing the computer to flicked and crash. Hopefully the problem will be fixed by Monday, but it will still be late Monday or even Tuesday before I can update the webpage. Sorry.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Comments for Page 191

I started drawing this page early and it still took most of the evening to get it done. It seems to be taking an average of four hours to do each page. Eight times as long as it took to draw the first pages of the story.

Do you like Toi's new look? Guess she's trying to dispell the cute look she aquired from the mouse form. If you think she looks scary now, just wait until she removes her cape. Yowsers!

You can see more of Racheal's outfit in this comic as well. She seems to be more fashionable then the other members of her team. I guess that comes with being the main character.

Remember to click on the image to see the larger version.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

redoing website

I am planning to redesign the webcomic web site to better reflect my new art style. I hope to sell my talent someday and need to put on a good impression. I've been studing a few sites and I think other then some cleaning up of graphics and a little rearranging, my site should be fine. The important this is that I look professional. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to comment.
Here is a picture I did using a drawing by Vaughn Bode. Check out his website to see the original. Warning: Many of his paintings show nudity and should not be viewed by young people.

I plan to put this image on my web site as part of my redesing project.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Comments for Page 190

This is my first post about my webcomic, Alternate Reality Worlds. You can click on the name on the right or go here and check out the comic for yourself.

Click on the image for a bigger picture.

Anyone who's been following my comic will notice that I added a lot more detail to the backgrounds. This is to match all the detail I've added to the characters.

It took close to five hours to draw and color everything. Since the begining I've been trying to do each page in under an hour, but I think will be better practice and more exposure for me to make the best drawing I can. That's fine and dandy in the summer when I have a lot of time, but when I go back to school in the fall I'll probably have to cut down on the detail a bit. Hopefully by then I'll have the style learned to the point I can do work like this in under an hour. We'll see.

This is the first appearence of the Scalions. They look pretty nasty, don't they. Rachael certainly thinks so. Notice that this is also the first time Racheal wears her new battle outfit. She never had time to put it on for practice but she's wearing it now. Observent readers will notice that Ann wasn't wearing her battle outfit either as she was also late getting to practice.

You can expect a few more changes as I continue to play around with my style, but I think the characters are pretty much set for now. I don't want to change their appearence too much at this point.